Day Time Miles Kcals
Sun 50min 3.11 455
Mon 66 4.08 578
Tue off
Wed 36 2.29 336
Thur 35 2.06 298
Fri 35 1.98 289
Sat 37 2.35 350
The workouts consisted of mostly walking/jogging on my home treadmill. I'm still slow I walk a 3.6 and jog at a 4.8. Right now I am 10 weeks post-op I had a hysterectomy on Oct 23rd last year. My recovery has been good so far I think because I was in shape going in to it.
I prefer to be outside but lately our weather is too miserable for that. A couple of days last week I worked out with free weights on my upper body and I use my Pilate's ball to workout my lower body with squats. I also do other floor exercises to keep me in my jeans. I did workout my abs three times this last week. I finally tried a Jillian Michaels video and it was hard it kicked my butt! I think its too advanced for me right now.Eating hasn't been stellar this week my weight has gone between 165-164.5, also I haven't been journaling my food lately either so I don't know how many calories I am consuming have to get back to it.
I made a new recipe last night it was a turkey meatloaf. It was so good! The recipe was so simple and I felt good eating it because it wasn't greasy like meatloaf made from ground beef.

1 pkg. (16 oz.) frozen LOUIS RICH Pure Ground Turkey, thawed
1/2 cup old-fashioned or quick-cooking oats
1 small onion, chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
1/2 cup ketchup, divided
Make It
PREHEAT oven to 375°F. Mix all ingredients except 1/4 cup of the ketchup.
SHAPE into loaf in 12x8-inch baking dish.
BAKE 45 to 50 minutes or until cooked through. Let stand 5 minutes. Top with remaining 1/4 cup ketchup.
Thats all for now if you made it this far please leave a kind comment and let me know you were by for a visit.
Till next time.
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello. Looks like you're off to a good start. But oh, I sure would like some warmer weather!!