Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Keeping It Simple

I set three goals out to do today and I am happy to report I got'em done! I read Diane's post today at Fit To The Finish and she spoke of the power of three. In stead of three bringing bad luck try to set three goals for yourself everyday and see if you can commit to them and get them done.

My goals today were

1. To exercise for 45 minutes to 1 Hour check got r done

2. Call my dad and check in yep got r done

3. Work on my Internet business stuff got that one done as well.

All this to say its what we do most everyday that shapes our lives and relationships not what we do once n a while.

Lately I have been struggling with the summer time blues I guess not wanting to eat right, exercise, work on my home business, keep house you name it and I haven't felt like it. I'm hoping by keeping it simple that will be a way to move forward.

What goals have you set lately and gotten done?

1 comment:

  1. Susan - i love this concept and I'm going to follow it for the rest of August......3 is my lucky number so I'm completely in synch with your concept of 3 daily goals.

    Thanks for this great idea.
